Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Raptors @ Lakers [Big Stage, Big Names, Big Game]

Wow, these lights are bright. As if we needed anymore pressure...

Tonight, the Toronto Raptors find themselves in the City of Angels, where they will be guests to Kobe Bryant and his Lakers. Most people are expecting a loss. And who can blame them? After all, the Raptors currently find themselves playing some very uninspiring basketball. On top of that, Chris Bosh is still shaking off some of that rust. Combined the the fact that the Lakers will be hungry after their 3rd straight loss, and it doesn't look good right now.

HOWEVER - do any of you remember this?

Beautiful game. And probably still my favorite yet this season. Sure, the win was at home. The crowd and atmosphere probably helped a lot as well. But when it comes down to it, the Raptors still won, and the Lakers still lost.

With that said, I'm gonna predict that the Raptors either win tonight or at least go down fighting. I'm sure most Raptors fans are aware of the fact that we struggle against athletic and fast teams (especially when they use undersized bigs).

Think of:

ATL, Philly, OKC

These teams kills us by being more athletic and running it down our throats. Think about it. Hasn't it ever crossed your mind how odd it is that we are able to beat teams like Dallas, Cleveland, and LA? Heck, we even took Cleveland to overtime without Chris Bosh. We're a better half court team than we are at running and gunning.

So remember, even while some of your friends have checked out or jumped off the Raptors bandwagon, don't be surprised if you end up watching a competitive Raptors team out in LA tonight. Besides, that's what this city appreciates most. You don't have to win every game, but you do have to try and show you care. Tonight, the Raptors do just that.

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